Find out the definition of academic travel with this succinct entry in the Diversity Dictionary from Diversity Travel.

Academic travel is the broad category of travel conducted by universities and other educational institutions; it differs from traditional business travel in a number of ways, and requires a specialist approach in terms of travel management.

Universities often have particular constraints not always found in commercial enterprises, particularly regarding budgets, non-mandated travel and environmental impact, requiring use of a travel management company (TMC) that offers specific academic travel services. Educational organisations can gain access to unique air fares, known as academic fares, through such TMCs, which provide considerable advantages in terms of costs savings and flexibility. Academic travel procurement also entails traditional business travel requirements such as management information, travel advice and booking, risk management and online booking.

To learn more about educational travel, contact our team of knowledgeable specialists via the channels below.

Telephone: 0161 235 5402

Email: [email protected]

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