Three people having a casual meeting at Diversity Travel's office

Working in partnership to deliver effective travel management solutions

When appointing a travel management company, you are entrusting them with your traveller’s safety and depending on them to help you manage your travel policies and budgets effectively. At Diversity Travel, we are committed to appointing the best account managers in the industry who are focused on exactly that. 

What will my Account Manager do?

Adding value at every opportunity

Your Account Manager will work with you to ensure your travel policy is effective and delivers your objectives, often these will include cost savings, compliance and your organisations duty of care to employees. Where agreed with you, we will provide an annual business plan defining clear objectives, milestones and goals for your travel management programme. This will be reviewed with you on a regular basis. Your Account Manager will analyse and interrogate your management information reports with you to identify opportunities for increased cost savings and efficiency. For example, there may be airlines, particular journeys or hotels you are using on a regular basis presenting an opportunity for further negotiations with suppliers to deliver increased savings. Duty of care and risk management are important considerations for all charities, academic and not for profit organisations and your Account Manager will keep you up to date with the latest news and developments in these areas.

Your Account Manager is here for you

From implementation, your account manager will be your main point of contact, working to get a thorough understanding of your business and your travel needs.  You will have regular meetings with them to discuss performance and opportunities and they will be responsible for instigating and coordinating all offline and online booker training and workshops, marketing material, customer surveys and market and industry intelligence. 

Helping you make the most of travel budgets

As your travel management company, we collect data on every aspect of your travel programme and behaviour. This ranges from your top airlines and hotels to CO2 emissions and duty of care. This data is then translated into meaningful, clear and comprehensive reports via our reporting system, mi-bank, providing an invaluable insight for your travel process and policy.

Total Programme Analysis

We conduct a thorough analysis of your bookers’ behaviour in order to help you implement changes to ensure programme optimisation. We'll analyse your buying behaviour and use this insight to make recommendations on the consolidation of suppliers and negotiate rates.  Details of your average fares and discounts by carrier, top market pairs, and which carriers are being used for specific routes will be provided and we can develop a standard RFP and provide regular reports.

Jo Strange, Director of Account Management

A message from Jo Strange, Director of Account Management

It should come as no surprise that the challenges of travel, both now and in the future, have completely changed. As experts in arranging travel to difficult or hard-to-reach locations, duty-of-care protocol has always played an integral role in our travel management programmes. Now though, expectations around keeping travellers safe in a post-pandemic world have never been more of a focus; we need to make it easy for clients to access travel information and encourage bookers/travellers to do the ‘right’ thing and book on contract.

I’m really lucky to lead a team of experienced and knowledgeable account managers. As a team, we’ve grown as a result of knowing that clients need a point of contact within Diversity Travel to really deliver their own objectives. As we come out of the pandemic, this has never been more important  – organisations are recognising the need to review/change/adapt their travel programmes. Our clients can feel reassured that they’ll always have a named contact to help work through their needs and requirements - not just at implementation, but throughout our entire working relationship.

If you want to know more about how we can help your organisation, drop us an email: [email protected]

A group of seven account managers, taken in 2021