Cookie Provider Purpose Expiry Type Category
PHPSESSID Diversity Travel Visitor session state across Session HTTP Cookie Mandatory
_ga Diversity Travel Used to distinguish users. 2 year Tracker Performance
_gid Diversity Travel This cookie is used for Google Analytics to store and update a unique value for each page visited. 24 hours Tracker Performance
_gat Diversity Travel Google Analytics cookie to throttle request rate. 1 minute HTTP Cookie Performance
_gtag_UA_40170186 Diversity Travel Google Analytics ID 1 minute Tracker Performance
cusid Diversity Travel This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session with this web site. 30 minutes from set/update Tracker Performance
cuvon Diversity Travel Used to signal the last time a visitor viewed a page. 30 minutes from set/update Tracker Performance
dt_click_dim_enabled, dt_google_analytics_enabled, dt_twitter_enabled, dt_website_chat_enabled, dt_website_cookie_consent Diversity Travel Stores user preferences for performance services on this website. 1 Year Consent Performance
guest_id Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media. 2 Year Tracker Performance
personalization_id Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media. 2 Year Tracker Performance
cusid Click Dimensions Tracks unique visitors to the site and it is updated with each page view. 2 years from set/update Tracker Performance
_ga, _cio, _gid, pc_aid, pc_uid, purechatAuthv5 , sib_cuid Purechat Used to send data to to connect visitor to our reservations team and to track visitors stay on portal. From 1 day to 2 Years Tracker Performance

If you wish to discuss any aspect of our cookie policies or responsibilities, please email us at [email protected]